Public Health

Public Health

Public Health

  As of this writing, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which originated in the Chinese city by the same name, has spread to some 220,000 people and killed 9,000, but once upon a time, the global health agency charged ...
Public Health

  Responding without hesitation and using the full authority he has under law and the Constitution, President Donald Trump on Wednesday invoked legislation passed during the Korean War to commandeer a portion of U.S. industry responsible for producing ...
Public Health

  People with blood type A have a significantly higher risk of getting infected by the coronavirus than people with other blood types. Meanwhile, those with type O blood, the most common blood type, have a much lower risk. These ...
Public Health

  Following assurances to the public that the U.S. government was ready to hand the coronavirus, Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) unloaded a significant portion of his stocks back in February. In the report, which first appeared on the online ...
Public Health

  As it turns out, the United States government is looking at a new potential tool to be used in the fight against the ongoing coronavirus pandemic: Big Data. In a report published Tuesday, The Seattle Times said ...
Public Health

  Canada will be closing its U.S. borders starting Friday night, the Canadian government said. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, speaking to reporters from his Ottawa residence, said that while the flow of trade between the two countries will ...
Public Health

  A DC priest who shook the hands of 500 worshippers during communion has announced he’s contracted coronavirus. (Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from “BREAKING: A D.C. priest has Coronavirus. He offered communion and shook hands ...
Public Health

  As the U.S. struggles to contain the coronavirus, shoppers throughout the country seem hell-bent on one thing: Buying toilet paper. Supermarkets and grocery stores are fast running out of TP, so it may be a good idea ...
Public Health

  The Governor of California has declared that current projections put the state on track for 25.5 million Californians to be infected within 8 weeks if strong social distancing factors are not immediately put in place. We did ...
Public Health

  In this really important interview of Dr. Paul Cottrell by Stefan Molyneux — who for some reason still hasn’t been banned by YouTube — Dr. Cottrell discuses a number of super important topics related to the coronavirus. ...